Friday, April 16, 2010


I've been trying to figure out what interests me photographically about Singapore for some time now and I've realised a couple of things.

The ever changing skyline, skyscraper upon skyscraper, there is constant development here. Singapore is so small that everything is built upwards. Condo's are constructed but only have a short life before they are demolished so a new one can be put in it's place. The newness of Singapore's architecture was uninspiring for me until I started looking up at the looming buildings and examining the relationship they have with one another and the space around them.

The other amazing thing about Singapore is the actual sky and how quickly it changes from beautiful bright sun to thunderous monsoon. On one side the sky can be bright and the sun shining, yet if you look in the other direction, all you can see is grey cloud.

I took the below pictures whilst on the upper deck of a moving bus which was quite an interesting way of working for me as usually, when shooting architecture, I take my time to compose my shot. This was a lot more instinctive, with only 1 chance to Capture The Moment.

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