Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It takes courage to be happy all the time!

I took this photo in April at a Hindu Temple in Singapore and sometimes need to remind myself so today I'm posting it.

I started an inspiration wall after meeting Larry Tee (he has one - it's quite impressive) and this was the first picture i stuck on it.
I sent it to Larry and he told me that although he liked it, sometimes you can just put things up that catch your eye and the meaning will come later, rather than being so obvious.

After that, I scoured the pages of the Observer Food Monthly for inspiration and ended up with a photo of a fish and an artichoke.
No meaning came to me, apart from that I like artichokes and I rarely come across them in the UK.

In the States, I used to eat them regularly. My friend, Zippy and I would have artichoke and wine nights which consisted of 2 (sometimes 3) steamed artichokes, some garlic and butter dip, much red wine and lots of catching up.
I miss those nights. Maybe that is the meaning behind it.

However, I had no idea what to make of the fish and having a picture of a fish and an artichoke on my wall was freaking me out so eventually i took them down.

Clearly I need more inspiration in my life!

1 comment:

  1. i will give you inspirstion. right upside your noggin. note: i refuse to eat another artichoke without you. tis the season for chilean wine artichiokes and the warmth of duraflame, so when should i be expecting a visit from my dearest lady chatterly? ps i got new ink on my left forearm but am considering a tablet on the right, perhaps containing the above quote. it is quite a beautiful notion. pps you shot mark ronson are you fckin kidding me? a skype is in order please make it so at once. post haste. and without delay. ppps congrats on the selection i'll photo your exhibition asap
